
class Aptos(val config: AptosConfig = AptosConfig(), graceFull: Boolean = Application.graceFull) : Account, Coin, General, Transaction, Staking, DigitalAsset, Faucet, Ans

Aptos is the main entry point to the SDK's APIs. Instantiate to access all functionalities.



AptosConfig to optionally configure the SDK.


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constructor(config: AptosConfig = AptosConfig(), graceFull: Boolean = Application.graceFull)


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open override val buildTransaction: Build

Builds a transaction to be submitted to the chain

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open override val config: AptosConfig
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open override val simulateTransaction: Simulate

Simulate transaction before signing

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open override val submitTransaction: Submit

Submits a transaction to the chain


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open suspend override fun addDigitalAssetPropertyTransaction(creator: Account, propertyKey: String, propertyType: PropertyType, propertyValue: PropertyValue, digitalAssetAddress: AccountAddressInput, digitalAssetType: MoveStructId, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Add a property to a digital asset

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open suspend override fun burnDigitalAssetTransaction(creator: Account, digitalAssetAddress: AccountAddressInput, digitalAssetType: MoveStructId, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Burn a digital asset by its creator

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open suspend override fun createCollectionTransaction(creator: Account, name: String, description: String, uri: String, collectionOptions: CreateCollectionOptions, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Creates a new collection within the specified account.

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open suspend override fun freezeDigitalAssetTransferTransaction(creator: Account, digitalAssetAddress: AccountAddressInput, digitalAssetType: MoveStructId, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Freeze digital asset transfer ability

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open suspend override fun fundAccount(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, amount: Long, options: WaitForTransactionOptions): Option<TransactionResponse>

This creates an account if it does not exist and mints the specified amount of coins into that account

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open suspend override fun getAccountAPTAmount(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, minimumLedgerVersion: Long?): Option<Long>

Queries the account's APT amount

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open suspend override fun getAccountCoinAmount(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, coinType: MoveValue.MoveStructId, minimumLedgerVersion: Long?): Option<Long>

Queries the account's coin amount by the coin type

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open suspend override fun getAccountCoinsCount(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, minimumLedgerVersion: Long?): Option<Int>

Queries the current count of an account's coins aggregated

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open suspend override fun getAccountCoinsData(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, minimumLedgerVersion: Long?): Option<AccountCoinsData>

Queries an account's coins data

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open suspend override fun getAccountInfo(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, params: LedgerVersionQueryParam.() -> Unit): Option<AccountData>

Queries the current state for an Aptos account given its account address

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open suspend override fun getAccountModule(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, moduleName: String, param: LedgerVersionQueryParam.() -> Unit): Option<MoveModuleBytecode>

Queries for a specific account module given account address and module name

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Queries for all modules in an account given an account address

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inline suspend fun <T> Account.getAccountResource(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, resourceName: String, param: LedgerVersionQueryParam.() -> Unit = {}): Option<T>

Queries a specific account resource given an account address and resource name

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open suspend override fun getAccountResources(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, params: SpecificPaginationQueryParams.() -> Unit): Option<List<Option<List<MoveResource>>>>

Queries all account resources given an account address

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open suspend override fun getAccountTransactions(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, params: PaginationQueryParams.() -> Unit): Option<List<Option<List<TransactionResponse>>>>

Queries account transactions given an account address

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open suspend override fun getAccountTransactionsCount(accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, minimumLedgerVersion: Long?): Option<Long>

Queries the current count of transactions submitted by an account

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open suspend override fun getBlockByHeight(ledgerHeight: Long): Option<Block>

Queries for block by height

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open suspend override fun getBlockByVersion(ledgerVersion: Long): Option<Block>

Queries for block by transaction version

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open suspend override fun getChainId(): Option<Long>

Queries for the chain id

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Queries top user transactions

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open suspend override fun getCollectionData(creatorAddress: AccountAddressInput, collectionName: String, minimumLedgerVersion: Long?, tokenStandard: TokenStandard?): Option<CollectionData?>

Queries data of a specific collection by the collection creator address and the collection name.

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open suspend override fun getCollectionDataByCollectionId(collectionId: String, minimumLedgerVersion: Long?): Option<CollectionData?>

Queries data of a specific collection by the collection ID.

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open suspend override fun getExpiration(name: String): Option<Long>

Retrieve the expiration time of a domain name or subdomain name from the contract.

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open suspend override fun getGasPriceEstimation(): GasEstimation

Gives an estimate of the gas unit price required to get a transaction on chain in a reasonable amount of time. For more information {@link https://api.mainnet.aptoslabs.com/v1/spec#/operations/estimate_gas_price}

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open suspend override fun getIndexerLastSuccessVersion(): Option<Long>

Queries for the last successful indexer version

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open suspend override fun getLedgerInfo(): Option<LedgerInfo>

Queries for the Aptos ledger info

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open suspend override fun getNumberOfDelegators(poolAddress: AccountAddressInput, minimumLedgerVersion: Long?): Option<NumberOfDelegators>

Queries current number of delegators in a pool. Throws an error if the pool is not found.

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open suspend override fun getOwnerAddress(name: String): Option<AccountAddress>

Retrieve the owner address of a domain name or subdomain name from the contract.

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open suspend override fun getPrimaryName(address: AccountAddressInput): Option<String>

Retrieve the primary name for an account. An account can have multiple names that target it, but only a single name that is primary. An account also may not have a primary name.

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open suspend override fun getProcessorStatus(processorType: ProcessorType): Option<ProcessorStatus>

Query the processor status for a specific processor type.

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inline suspend fun <T> General.getTableItem(handle: String, data: TableItemRequest, param: LedgerVersionQueryParam? = null): T
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open suspend override fun getTargetAddress(name: String): Option<AccountAddress>

Retrieve the target address of a domain or subdomain name. This is the address the name points to for use on chain. Note, the target address can point to addresses that are not the owner of the name

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open suspend override fun getTokenData(offset: Int?, limit: Int?): Option<TokenData?>
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open suspend override fun getTransactionByHash(transactionHash: String): Option<TransactionResponse>

Queries on-chain transaction by transaction hash. This function will return pending transactions.

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open suspend override fun getTransactionByVersion(ledgerVersion: Long): Option<TransactionResponse>

Queries on-chain transaction by version. This function will not return pending transactions.

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Returns the current graceFull setting.

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open suspend override fun isPendingTransaction(transactionHash: HexInput): Boolean

Defines if specified transaction is currently in pending state

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open suspend override fun mintDigitalAssetTransaction(creator: Account, collection: String, name: String, description: String, uri: String, propertyKeys: List<String>?, propertyTypes: List<String>?, propertyValues: List<String>?, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Create a transaction to mint a digital asset into the creators account within an existing collection.

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open suspend override fun mintSoulBoundTransaction(account: Account, collection: String, name: String, description: String, uri: String, recipient: AccountAddressInput, propertyKeys: List<String>, propertyTypes: List<String>, propertyValues: List<String>, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Mint a soul bound digital asset.

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open suspend override fun publishPackageTransaction(account: AccountAddressInput, metadataBytes: HexInput, moduleBytecode: List<HexInput>, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Generates a transaction to publish a move package to chain.

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inline suspend fun <T> General.queryIndexer(query: GraphqlQuery): Option<T>

A generic function for retrieving data from Aptos Indexer.

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open suspend override fun removeDigitalAssetPropertyTransaction(creator: Account, propertyKey: String, digitalAssetAddress: AccountAddressInput, digitalAssetType: MoveStructId, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Remove a property from a digital asset

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open suspend override fun setDigitalAssetDescriptionTransaction(creator: Account, digitalAssetAddress: AccountAddressInput, description: String, digitalAssetType: MoveStructId, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Set the digital asset description

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open suspend override fun setDigitalAssetNameTransaction(creator: Account, digitalAssetAddress: AccountAddressInput, name: String, digitalAssetType: MoveStructId): SimpleTransaction

Set the digital asset name

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open suspend override fun setDigitalAssetURITransaction(creator: Account, digitalAssetAddress: AccountAddressInput, uri: String, digitalAssetType: MoveStructId, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Set the digital asset URI

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Sets the target address of a domain or subdomain name. This is the address the name points to for use on chain. Note, the target address can point to addresses that are not the owner of the name

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open override fun sign(signer: Account, transaction: AnyRawTransaction): AccountAuthenticator

Sign a transaction that can later be submitted to chain

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open suspend override fun signAndSubmitTransaction(signer: Account, transaction: AnyRawTransaction): Option<PendingTransactionResponse>

Sign and submit a single signer transaction to chain

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Generates a Transaction that can be simulated and/or signed and submitted to the chain.

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open suspend override fun transferDigitalAssetTransaction(sender: Account, digitalAssetAddress: AccountAddressInput, recipient: AccountAddressInput, digitalAssetType: MoveStructId, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Transfer a digital asset (non-fungible digital asset) ownership.

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open suspend override fun unfreezeDigitalAssetTransferTransaction(creator: Account, digitalAssetAddress: AccountAddressInput, digitalAssetType: MoveStructId, options: InputGenerateTransactionOptions): SimpleTransaction

Unfreeze digital asset transfer ability

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inline suspend fun <T : List<MoveValue>> General.view(payload: InputViewFunctionData, bcs: Boolean = true, ledgerVersion: LedgerVersionArg? = null): Option<T>

Queries for a Move view function

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open suspend override fun waitForTransaction(transactionHash: HexInput, options: WaitForTransactionOptions): Option<TransactionResponse>