Package-level declarations


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This class is used to represent an account address.

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This interface is used to define the input for an account address.

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typealias AccountCoinsData = GetAccountCoinsData.Result
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data class AccountData(val sequenceNumber: String, val authenticationKey: String)
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data class AccountModulesArgs(val accountAddress: AccountAddressInput, val options: AccountModulesArgs.Options? = null)
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data class AccountResource(val type: String, val data: Data)
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This enum is used to explain why an address was invalid.

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abstract class AnyRawTransaction
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class AptosConfig(settings: AptosSettings? = null)

The AptosConfig class holds the config information for the SDK client instance. It is initialized with an instance of AptosSettings and sets up various configurations based on the provided settings.

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typealias AptosRequest = HttpRequest
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typealias AptosResponse = HttpResponse
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data class AptosSettings(val network: Network? = null, val fullNode: String? = null, val faucet: String? = null, val indexer: String? = null, val client: Client? = null, val clientConfig: ClientConfig? = null, val fullNodeConfig: FullNodeConfig? = null, val indexerConfig: IndexerConfig? = null, val faucetConfig: FaucetConfig? = null)
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data class Block(val blockHeight: String, val blockHash: String, val blockTimestamp: String, val firstVersion: String, val lastVersion: String)
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@SerialName(value = "block_metadata_transaction")
data class BlockMetadataTransactionResponse(val type: TransactionResponseType, val version: String, val hash: String, val stateChangeHash: String, val eventRootHash: String, val stateCheckpointHash: String?, val gasUsed: String, val success: Boolean, val vmStatus: String, val accumulatorRootHash: String, val id: String, val epoch: String, val round: String, val events: List<Event>, val previousBlockVotesBitvec: List<Long>, val proposer: String, val failedProposerIndices: List<Long>, val timestamp: String) : TransactionResponse
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data class Bool(val value: Boolean) : TransactionArgument
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typealias ChainTopUserTransactions = GetChainTopUserTransactions.Result
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interface Client
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General type definition for client headers

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typealias CollectionData = GetCollectionData.Result
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data class Data(val authenticationKey: String? = null, val coinRegisterEvents: Event? = null, val guidCreationNum: String? = null, val keyRotationEvents: Event? = null, val sequenceNumber: String? = null)
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class EntryFunctionABI(val typeParameters: List<MoveFunctionGenericTypeParam>, val parameters: List<TypeTag>, val signers: Int? = null) : FunctionABI

Interface of an Entry function's ABI.

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data class Event(val guid: Guid, val sequenceNumber: String? = null, val type: String? = null, val data: JsonElement? = null)
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data class FaucetConfig(val headers: Map<String, Any>? = null, val authToken: String? = null)

A Faucet only configuration object

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data class FaucetRequest(val address: String, val amount: Long)
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data class FaucetResponse(val txnHashes: List<String>)
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data class FixedBytes(val value: HexInput) : TransactionArgument
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data class FullNodeConfig(var headers: Map<String, Any>? = null) : ClientHeadersType

A Fullnode only configuration object.

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open class FunctionABI(val typeParameters: List<MoveFunctionGenericTypeParam>, val parameters: List<TypeTag>)

Data need for a generic function ABI, both view and entry

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data class FunctionArguments(val functionArguments: List<EntryFunctionArgument>)
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data class GasEstimation(val gasEstimate: Long, val deprioritizedGasEstimate: Long? = null, val prioritizedGasEstimate: Long? = null)
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data class GraphqlQuery(val query: String, val variables: Map<String, Int>? = null)
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data class Guid(val creationNumber: String? = null, val accountAddress: String? = null)
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data class HexInput(val value: String) : AccountAddressInput
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data class Identifier(value: String)

Representation of an Identifier that can serialized and deserialized. We use Identifier to represent the module "name" in "ModuleId" and the "function name" in "EntryFunction"

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data class IndexerConfig(var headers: Map<String, Any>? = null) : ClientHeadersType

An Indexer only configuration object.

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data class InputEntryFunctionData(val function: MoveFunctionId, val typeArguments: List<TypeTag>, val functionArguments: List<EntryFunctionArgument>, val abi: EntryFunctionABI? = null) : InputGenerateTransactionPayloadData

The data needed to generate an Entry Function payload

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data class InputGenerateTransactionOptions(val maxGasAmount: Long = DEFAULT_MAX_GAS_AMOUNT, val gasUnitPrice: Long? = null, val expireTimestamp: Long? = DEFAULT_TXN_EXP_SEC_FROM_NOW, val accountSequenceNumber: Number? = null)

Optional options to set when generating a transaction

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data class InputSubmitTransactionData(val transaction: AnyRawTransaction, val senderAuthenticator: AccountAuthenticator, val feePayerAuthenticator: AccountAuthenticator? = null, val additionalSignersAuthenticators: List<AccountAuthenticator>? = null)
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data class InputViewFunctionData(val function: MoveFunctionId, val typeArguments: List<TypeTag>, val functionArguments: List<EntryFunctionArgument>, val abi: ViewFunctionABI? = null)

The data needed to generate a View Function payload

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data class LedgerInfo(val chainId: Long, val epoch: String, val ledgerVersion: String, val oldestLedgerVersion: String, val ledgerTimestamp: String, val nodeRole: String, val oldestBlockHeight: String, val blockHeight: String, val gitHash: String)
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data class LedgerVersionArg(val ledgerVersion: Int? = null)
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data class ModuleId(val address: AccountAddress, val name: Identifier)

Representation of a ModuleId that can serialized and deserialized ModuleId means the module address (e.g "0x1") and the module name (e.g "coin")

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enum MoveAbility : Enum<MoveAbility>
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data class MoveFunction(val name: String, val visibility: MoveVisibility, val isEntry: Boolean, val isView: Boolean, val genericTypeParams: List<MoveFunctionGenericTypeParam>, val params: List<String>, val return: List<String>)
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data class MoveFunctionGenericTypeParam(val constraints: List<MoveAbility>)
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data class MoveModule(val address: String, val name: String, val friends: List<MoveModuleId>, val exposedFunctions: List<MoveFunction>, val structs: List<MoveStruct>)
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data class MoveModuleBytecode(val bytecode: String, val abi: MoveModule? = null)
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typealias MoveModuleId = String
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data class MoveOption<T : EntryFunctionArgument>(val value: T?) : TransactionArgument
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data class MoveResource(val type: String)
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data class MoveString(val value: String) : TransactionArgument
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data class MoveStruct(val name: String, val isNative: Boolean, val abilities: List<MoveAbility>, val genericTypeParams: List<MoveFunctionGenericTypeParam>, val fields: List<MoveStructField>)
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data class MoveStructField(val name: String, val type: String)
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sealed class MoveValue
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data class MoveVector<T : EntryFunctionArgument>(var values: List<T>) : TransactionArgument
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enum MoveVisibility : Enum<MoveVisibility>
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data class MultiAgentTransaction(val rawTransaction: RawTransaction) : AnyRawTransaction
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Enum class representing the network to connect to.

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typealias NumberOfDelegators = GetNumberOfDelegators.Result
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sealed class Option<out T>
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data class PaginationArgs(val offset: Int? = null, val limit: Int? = null)

Controls the number of results that are returned and the starting position of those results.

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data class PendingTransactionResponse(val hash: String, val sender: String, val sequenceNumber: String, val maxGasAmount: String, val gasUnitPrice: String, val expirationTimestampSecs: String)
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data class PrivateKeyInput(val privateKey: PrivateKey, val address: AccountAddressInput? = null, val legacy: Boolean = true)

Input for creating an account from a private key.

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typealias ProcessorStatus = GetProcessorStatus.Result
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The list of supported Processor types for our indexer api.

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interface QueryParams
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abstract class RequestOptions
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sealed class ScriptFunctionArgument
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data class ScriptPayloadResponse(val type: String, val code: String, val type_arguments: List<String>, val arguments: List<String>) : TransactionPayloadResponse
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data class SimpleTransaction(val rawTransaction: RawTransaction, val feePayerAddress: AccountAddress?, val secondarySignerAddresses: Nothing? = null) : AnyRawTransaction
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class StructTag(val address: AccountAddress, val moduleName: String, val name: String, val typeArgs: List<TypeTag>)
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data class TableItemRequest(val key_type: String, val value_type: String, val key: String)
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typealias TokenData = GetTokenData.Result
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data class TokenStandardArg(val tokenStandard: TokenStandard? = null)
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sealed class TransactionArgument : EntryFunctionArgument
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data class TransactionEd25519Signature(val type: String, val public_key: String, val signature: String) : TransactionSignature
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data class TransactionPayloadEntryFunction(val entryFunction: EntryFunction) : TransactionPayload
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sealed class TransactionPayloadResponse
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sealed class TransactionResponse
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sealed class TransactionSignature
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data class TypeArguments(val typeArguments: List<TypeTag>)
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@Serializable(with = TypeTagSerializer::class)
sealed class TypeTag
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data class TypeTagAddress(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.Address) : TypeTag
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data class TypeTagBool(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.Bool) : TypeTag
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class TypeTagGeneric(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.Generic, val id: UShort) : TypeTag
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class TypeTagReference(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.Reference, val ref: TypeTag) : TypeTag
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data class TypeTagSigner(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.Signer) : TypeTag
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class TypeTagStruct(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.Struct, val type: StructTag) : TypeTag
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data class TypeTagU128(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.U128) : TypeTag
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data class TypeTagU16(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.U16) : TypeTag
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data class TypeTagU256(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.U256) : TypeTag
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data class TypeTagU32(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.U32) : TypeTag
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data class TypeTagU64(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.U64) : TypeTag
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data class TypeTagU8(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.U8) : TypeTag
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enum TypeTagVariants : Enum<TypeTagVariants>
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class TypeTagVector(val enumIndex: TypeTagVariants = TypeTagVariants.Vector, val type: TypeTag) : TypeTag
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data class U128(val value: String) : TransactionArgument
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data class U16(val value: UShort) : TransactionArgument
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data class U256(val value: String) : TransactionArgument
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data class U32(val value: UInt) : TransactionArgument
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data class U64(val value: ULong) : TransactionArgument
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data class U8(val value: Byte) : TransactionArgument
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@SerialName(value = "user_transaction")
data class UserTransactionResponse(val type: TransactionResponseType, val version: String, val hash: String, val stateChangeHash: String, val eventRootHash: String, val statecCheckpointHash: String?, val gasUsed: String, val success: Boolean, val vmStatus: String, val accumulatorRootHash: String, val sender: String, val sequenceNumber: String, val maxGasAmount: String, val gasUnitPrice: String, val expirationTimestampSecs: String, val events: List<Event>, val timestamp: String) : TransactionResponse
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class ViewFunctionABI(val typeParameters: List<MoveFunctionGenericTypeParam>, val parameters: List<TypeTag>, val returnTypes: List<TypeTag>) : FunctionABI

Interface of an View function's ABI.

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data class WaitForTransactionOptions(val timeoutSecs: Int = DEFAULT_TXN_TIMEOUT_SEC, val checkSuccess: Boolean = true, val waitForIndexer: Boolean? = null)

Options for waiting for a transaction to be finalized.

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sealed class WriteSetChange
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@SerialName(value = "WriteSetChange::Delete")
data class WriteSetChangeDeleteModule(val type: String, val address: String, val state_key_hash: String, val module: String) : WriteSetChange


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